Is Jesus Enough?
Instead, I have calmed and quieted my soul like a weaned child with its mother; my soul is like a weaned child. – Psalm 131:2 (CSB)
I am still amazed when I have read a Bible verse dozens of time and that one time it suddenly jumps out and grabs me. I have been preaching through the Psalm of Ascents – Psalm 120 – 134 and as I was reflecting on Psalm 131 verse 2 stopped me in my tracks. It describes a child who no longer needs to feed at their mother’s breast so they simply rest in her embrace.
We Want More
In the very first commandment given by God in Exodus 20:3, God commands us to have no other gods besides him. The next commandment in Exodus 20:4
tells us not to worship idols. Yet if we are honest, we are constantly chasing down idols. God tells us he is all we need yet we are always looking for more.
When the Children of Israel wandered the wilderness for forty years God provided them manna, bread from heaven. Manna contained the right mix of nutrients and calories the people needed for life in the wilderness. It was all they needed to live on. Yet they wanted more and sinfully asked for something else. We do the same thing. We experience a mighty move of God in our life; an incredible encounter of his presence, and we quickly seek another one.
Is daily life in the presence of God not enough?
We chase that next emotional feeling, the next word of prophecy or the next miracle. Yes God uses all those things as blessings for us, a witness for his kingdom and primarily for his glory. The problem is when we chase the “experience” of God more than God himself. We make experience an idol.
If we are not careful, we limit God’s presence in our lives to special events and miss out on his abiding presence in the life of every day.
In the Arms of Jesus
I am just as guilty as anyone for chasing after the trappings of faith. However, I long to grow to the place where I am that weaned child. I want to simply be with Jesus. I long to enjoy his presence without seeking anything in return. No word, no wisdom, no miracle, just Jesus himself. Jesus Christ gave his very life, he died for me so I can be cleansed of my sin, and restored me to a place of righteousness before God. Is that not enough?
photo credit: Waiting For The Word Madonna – Mary & Jesus 87 via photopin (license)